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Sunday, August 27, 2017


The poem Tears Idle Tears is a philosophical and tragic poem composed by the greatest Victorian poet of England, Alfred Lord Tennyson.In this poem,the poet gives an account of tears, their origin in our hearts and its comparison to different objects of nature.According to the poet,tears are the product heavenly sorrow at the loss of some friend or some tragic incident of life.Whenever we recall the death of a neat friend  tears come up in our eyes from the heart and dazzle like the first ray of the sun that falls up n the boat.The poet makes  use of beautiful  simile.The boat is compared to the ray of the sun.It shows that the tears have the save importance as the first say of the sun has for the boat or living things.

Tears are shaded for the loss of fast friend whom we love to much.Our sorrow is compared to the last red leaf that hangs against the bough of a tree in the Autumn season.They bring fresh memory of the past days that cannot be brought back to life.secondly,they are compared to a dark morning at the time of sunrise when he sun goes behind the cloud.They are as powerful as the song of the singing birds early in the morning.At that time,people on bed can hardly listen to the birds,a man recalls the past days of his  life and his eyes are full of tears.When the sun appear behind cloud all of a sudden.Its entrance to the window appears like the shaft of light.
Further,the poet compares tears to the tears of the beloved when she recalls the kisses planted on her cheeks by her lover. At the death of her lover, the beloved sheds tears and is full of deep sorrow of separation from him. So these tears appears to be as intense emotional as the passionate love.They are as deep as the joy when the pair of lovers  fall in love at first sight. At such situation, the beloved becomes mad with grief at her lover's death. Her existence in this world is as good as death in life. Really, a man feels utmost sorrow for the tragic loss of his dearest friend and his eyes are suffered with tears.
In this way ,Tennyson presents the importance of tears in life.They are symbolic of divine despair in life and are as good as death. Hence, tears are not idle but are full of meaning. These are alliteration in words like divine despair and fancy-feigned.
there are beautiful epithets like below the verge, dark summer dawns, half-awakened birds, dying eyes and glimmering square.Thus, the poem is tragic and philosophical presenting the genesis and cause of tears that roll down our cheeks. The poem has been Tennyson's poetic work "Princess".