Saturday, March 4, 2017



             Shakespearean tragedy A.C. Bradley say,"is pre-eminently the story of one person,the  hero or at most of two, the hero and the heroine as in the love tragedies like Romeo And Juliet  and "Antony And Cleopatra"
Secondly Shakespearean tragedy is always concerned with great persons-persons of high degree and station of life.Shakespearean heroes are either the kings as in Lear or princess as in Hamlet  or leader of the state as in Coriolanus or persons of high public importance as in Macbeth   and Othello. Macbeth and Othello are no mere private persons but the generals of the republic on whose strength and weakness depends the general welfare of the state.they are so great persons that their personal fortunes or misfortunes affect the welfare of the whole state. Modern tragedy is obviously a contrast from Shakespearean tragedy. For modern tragedy introduces small men and women as heroes- the men and women drown from a common and humble station of life.
Again Shakespearean tragedy is essentially a tale of  suffering calamity leading to the death of heroes.  But suffering and calamities of the heroes do not simply happen nor they are sent above or from outside.They proceed from the deeds actions and character.This is to suggest  every Shakespearean tragic hero is possessed  by some violent passion - the passion of love as in Romeo , or of ambition as in Macbeth or of jealousy in Lear, or of pride as in Coriolanus or of world scruple as in Hamlet. This passion gives rise to an inner conflict of wills, desires and motives. This also works as a terrible force and leads them to a tragic situation which they are unable to resist. As A.C. Bradley puts it:
" . . . desire, passion or will attains in them a terrible force. In almost all we observe a market one sidedness, a predisposition in some particular direction; a total incapacity . . . of resisting the force which   . . . in the direction; a factual tendency to identify the whole living with one interest,object,passion or habit of mind. This is the fundamental tragic trail." 
Exactly for this reason of violent passion, Mrs. Campbell calls Shakespearean tragic heroes "a slave of passions." Their slavery to passion is their tragic trait or factual flaw that works out their tragic doom and misery. Clearly, Shakespearean tragedy is a tragedy of character. The character of a hero     becomes his fate or destiny.This is to say that tragedy of a Shakespearean hero  is determined by the passion and traits in his character, and not by and external fate as one finds in Greek tragedy nor by any hostile environment. As one finds in modern tragedy. The idea of a tragic hero as a passion destroyed solely by external forces is quite alien to Shakespeare.
Judging the character of Macbeth in this light, we find that Macbeth is a tragedy of character of ambition and his own character is his fate and destiny.
Macbeth is a general of the state of Scotland and his endowed with  great human qualities. He has will, courage, valour and determination. he is proud and commanding. He shows great personal courage in putting down a rebellion and repelling the invasion of a foreign army, and rises to great power and glory.
But he has a valient passion - a vaulting ambition in him. He is ambitious of power and crown. His passion for power is so strong that he thinks only of the ways that can make the attainment of power, passion for him. He is so much possessed by his ambition, by his will to attain power and crown that he does not visualize the dark side and consequences of it.
As A.C. Bradley observes:
"ambition the love of power extinct of self assertion are much too potent in Macbeth to permit him to resign even in spirit."
Clearly, the Macbeth's vaulting ambition is a tragic trait  on factual flaw in his character. One may, however say that the witches misguide him, or lady Macbeth provokes him the crime of murder but it does not appeal to the reason to hold the witches responsible for Macbeth's crime. For Macbeth is a brave soldier, and has a freedom of will and action. He is free to accept or reject the prediction of the witches or the provocation of Lady Macbeth.
He accepts them because he has already in him a predisposition towards power and royal authority. He has already had a vague ambition of power and kingship from before.  The witches only articulate what is vague and in articulates in his mind. Thus, Macbeth's vaulting ambition leads in him in to a situation in which he commits murder of Duncan and realises him ambition. He achieves power, authority and kingship. Now to keep himself safe and secure in his power and authority he plans and executes and series of murders - the murder of Banquo, of lady Macduff and her children. He ceases in his acts of murder only when the forces against him. Combine overpower and kill him.
Clearly, Macbeth's miseries and death are wholly caused by his passion, deeds and character. Since Macbeth's character is the spring of his deeds and actions. His characters become his fate or destiny and is responsible for his tragic miseries and death.


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