Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Rivals: Explanation


By heavens:I shall forswear your company. You are the most teasing,captious,incorrigible love! - Do love like a man.
Am not I a lover; aye, and a romantic one too? Yet do I carry every where with me such a confounded farago of doubts, fears, hopes, wishes, and all the flimsy furniture of a country Miss's brain?
This passage taken from The Rivals written by Sheridan, Captain Absolute is speaking to Faulkland. In another passage Faulkland calls on Captain Absolute at his first dance in Bath and he is curious to know about his beloved, Julia. Captain Absolute understands Faulkland's anxiety, but he is trying to tease him by withholding the information from him.After taking for some time without informing him about his beloved, he invites Faulkland to a dinner at the hotel but Faulkland is so much curious to know about his beloved that he declined Captain Absolute 's invitation. He tells Captain Absolute that he is not disposed to entertaining himself with nice dinner because of his low spirit. He tells Captain Absolute that his mind is so much full of anxiety that he cannot derive any pleasure from this kind of feasting.
To this reply of Faulkland ,Captain Absolute advises him that he should learn to love a woman like a man. Captain Absolute means to tell that he(Faulkland) should appear to be behaving like a normal man for love is not the only business in a normal man's life.It is one of the many things that a normal has to do.So, the proper thing is that a normal man should as much care of his love as of father's duties in his life.If Faulkland's whole business is only love and thoughts of love, then one can only say that he(Faulkland) is a teasing, capricious incorrigible love. Captain Absolute means that Faulkland is a sentimental lover and his conduct as a sentimental lover is beyond correction.
As an example of a normal lover, Captain Absolute cites his own case. He tells Faulkland that he is also a lover like him and a romantic lover. However love is not the only business in his life. He loves a girl and yet does all his normal duties. Though he also has all kinds of anxieties in his mind, he does not allow himself to be abnormal.
Wherever he goes and whatever duties he does, he does them while keeping love also in his mind.As a normal lover, he has sometimes doubts and fears whether he is going to succeed in his love. So, it is quite normal to have all kinds of belongs and thoughts in the mind of a lover in the same manner as the minds of country girl is full of confessed ideas and miscellaneous thoughts.
Having read the characters of Faulkland and Captain Absolute one may easily say that while Faulkland is a sentimental lover,Captain Absolute is an anti-sentimental lover.    


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