Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Rivals And Its Some Favourite Lines


There, Sir Anthony, there sits the deliberate simpleton,who wants to disgrace her family and lavish herself on a fellow not worth a shilling."
In this passage taken from 'The Rivals' written by R. B. Sheridan,Mrs. Malaprop is speaking to Sir Anthony Absolute about her niece,Lydia Languish camping at Bath a famous health resort for the affluent,upper class people.Sir.Anthony Absolute and his son Captain Absolute are also therefore speaking the summer. Captain Absolute is rich having an income of three thousand a year. He loves Lydia. But Lydia is a young,sentimental and eager to love and marry a poor beggarly and penniless young man. So she does not love and like to marry Captain Absolute. Captain Absolute learns about her romantic and whimsical nature and behaviour and disguises himself as a poor beggar and penniless young man called Ensign Beverley.
Thus he disguises to win her love. In this disguise she wins her love and now she wants to marry him. But Mrs. Malaprop does not approve of her niece's choice of marriage with Ensign Beverley. Mrs. Malaprop wants Lydia to marry Captain Absolute. Thus there is s conflict between Lydia and Mrs. Malaprop. So, when Sir. Anthony Absolute comes to meet Mrs. Malaprop, she complains to him about the whimsical nature and behaviour of her niece, Lydia and condemns her.
Complaining against Lydia's whimsical nature and mind, Mrs. Malaprop tells sir Anthony Absolute that her niece, Lydia is a foolish girl. She(Lydia) is a simpleton and fool because she wants to marry a poor beggarly, penniless young man called Ensign Beverley.By rejection his rich, affluent son Captain Absolute Mrs. Malaprop says that she is very much shocked at and sorry for her niece's choice of marriage for if she marries Ensign Beverley, she will only bring a shame and disgrace upon her rich aristocratic family.
But her niece is utterly a fool to follow her own bent of mind and to think of the fame and reputation of the family. She means to say that she is against her niece's will and choice of marriage because wha tshe is going to do is neither good to her nor good for their family.
Clearly, the passage brings out the conflict between the aunt and niece on the one hand and sentimentality of the 18th century,sentimental drama of Richard Steele, colley, Cibber, Hugh, Kelly and Ciber etc. Secondly, it brings to light the nature and character of Lydia Languish  to the sight of different class of people of the society.


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