Thursday, March 26, 2020


                                             KING LEAR
Question:- What in your view ,is the theme of 'King Lear' ?
Question:-Write a critical note on the dramatic significance of                           double -plot or secondary plot or sub-plot in 'King Lear'.
Question:-Do you agree with the view that the under-plot                                   reinforces the theme of the main plot in 'King Lear'? 
                 Give  your answer.
Question:-Is 'King Lear' at once a dramatic poem and a universal                     allegory?

 Question:- "King Lear' is a universal allegory."  Discuss.
 Question:- ''In 'King Lear' the character called Lear is the                                   center;the other characters exist in relation to him.''
Question:-  How far do you agree with the view that 'King Lear'   
                 has little action or progressive movement ?
Question:-"The consciousness of Lear is a part of the                                         consciousness  of mankind"Discuss.


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